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Share Your Videos

Video sharing is easy: grab a unique link to any video or video collection that you’ve created.

How You Can Publicly Share Your Videos

Direct Link
Head to the video or collection you want to share and copy the public URL. Anyone you share it with can access a unique viewing page for your content.


Want to further simplify the sharing process? Enter an email address directly into the sharing options window and type an optional message. We’ll deliver the link for you.

Embed Code
If you’d rather embed your video instead of sharing a link, that is just as easy. Copy the embed code and paste into your CMS, LMS, or wherever the video should live.
"Easy to use, amazing customer support, lovely UX and straightforward steps."
Executive Producer & OpenReel Client on G2

Explore OpenReel's Video Tools

The Sharing Capabilities You Need in a Video Hosting Platform

To effectively scale your content creation, opt for a video creation platform with included hosting. You can save time and money by eliminating the need to download completed videos, and then uploading the video to a host site. Your hosting platform should offer multiple ways to share content. Public URL, embed codes, and email are priorities for any individual or team looking to create impactful video content. It is also valuable to be able to organize videos into collections, which can be shared in the same ways. If you are part of a team, look for video collaboration tools so that coworkers can create, work together on, and share video projects.


The world is watching.
Are you ready to share?

Make branded messages using remote video production and OpenReel’s powerful video creation tools.