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Understand how easily OpenReel’s technology can be integrated into your team’s workflows

In this multi-part series, learn how to create a better business case for a Remote Video Creation™ platform across the organization and measure its impact on ROI.

Seamless cross-functional collaboration with distributed stakeholders

If you’ve ever been on a virtual or in-person shoot, you know that the myriad of stakeholders and crew members on-set can pose as a distraction to your Subject. With powerful, in-shoot chat features on the digital set, you can ensure effortless communication between the production Collaborators and Director, without disrupting or distracting the Subject. There’s no need for a third-party chat feature, so you simply can focus on your shoot and ensure all stakeholders are satisfied with the results in real time.

Streamlined, focused shoots with an easy-to-control teleprompter

Just as OpenReel turns your mobile or webcam into a powerful, professional video camera, your recording device simultaneously becomes a teleprompter, when needed, on the Remote Video Creation platform. Collaborators can adjust scrolling speed and font size to the Subject’s preferences, as well as make script edits in real time. Your Subject can focus entirely on their delivery, instead of memorizing lines or tweaking their device settings.


Professional project management directly within the filming platform

OpenReel was designed to also be a project management tool, ensuring the collaboration necessary to successfully shoot a video extends to the entire user experience. Favorite best takes, batch upload them to the cloud, and allow all stakeholders download access so they can be easily viewed and even edited while you’re shooting. In Remote Capture 2.0, Producers and Directors can create individual Projects within the platform, and all related files will be accessible and can be easily organized within that Project. Directors can also set clip naming conventions to further customize the organization system, and enjoy the convenience of batch downloads.

This blog is the fourth installment of a five-part series designed to help you better understand and build a business use case for a Remote Video Creation™ platform, which is a crucial part of your distributed team’s content creation and collaboration technology stack. By adopting an end-to-end Remote Video Creation™ solution across the organization, you’ll future-proof your organization’s success in the era of hybrid and remote businesses’ digital transformation. Interested in learning more? Download our on-webinar where OpenReel Account Executive Pete Bradt provides a short demonstration of OpenReel’s tech plus insight into how it can be used to further your business and connect with your audience. Watch at your convenience today

Reimagine Remote Video Creation™

Empower teams across the organization with OpenReel’s suite of Remote Video Capture™ and collaboration capabilities.

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